Thursday, September 20, 2007

DL4, HW5, Annotated Bibliography

“Annual Reports.” Internet Crime Complaint Center. 2007. IC3. 20 Sept. 2007

This website has statistics about internet crime right from the FBI, one of the best sources you can get it from. Not only does it give you stats from years ago, but also current statistics which is sometimes hard to find. This will be a great asset when writing my paper because I will have some major statistics as part of my research.

Salkever, Alex. "A Key Weapon to Thwart Cybercrime." Business Week Online (2003). Military & Government. EBSCOhost. Mesa Community College, Mesa. 20 Sept. 2007.

Keyword: internet crime. This is a great website because it has brief stories about the FBI tracking down and fighting internet crime. This helps because I can see what the government already does to protect against internet crime, to think of better ideas on how to fight against it.

Desai, Jenny. "Tricksters Populate Our Internet Landscape." Science & Spirit 18.1 (2007): 65. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Mesa Community College, Mesa. 20 Sept. 2007.

Keyword: internet crime. This is a short article that talks about different scammers and people who were victims of identity fraud. This will help with my research paper because it offers different views and will maybe serve as a testimonial.

Davis, Todd, Jim Greener, and Chini Krishnan. "Identity Theft Protection." Lifelock. 2006. National Crime Prevention Council. 20 Sept. 2007 .

This is the website of a company who specializes in protecting your identity. They even have a commercial of Todd Davis, a CEO giving everybody his Social Security number, not worried of identity theft because his company works. It is good to get a point of view from this side and find a company who is trying to help prevent it besides the government.

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