Monday, September 3, 2007

Deadline 2, HW5, Why my topic

I am interested in my topic because it is a growing issue world-wide, and one I am involved with. I work for an internet company doing many tasks, even correlating with our fraud department because of internet crime. I can bring a lot of personal stories and get in depth on internet crime, which makes the best research. I am excited to write about this topic because of all the experience I have in this field, plus with just the fact that I find this field very interesting. I will be able to learn more about the topic with the research I conduct and also will be able to read about more stories in the field. More than half of the sales through my company are done over our website, which can accumulate a lot of fraud. We have to check where the computer is being routed from as compared to the billing address of the credit card. That is just one of the minor details we have to check through when processing fraud exams.


Courtney said...

Good JOb It is good to have experience in what you are wrting about it helps you better understand from a personal perspective good luck with your paper!!!

jeff fitzwater said...

Good to hear there is a force to try and slow down that type of crime. A lot of my famialy has had to deal with their credit cards being charged up due to a site being hacked. it is good to here somethingis being done about it.

sticknstring said...

Your topic seems really interesting and you got the experience to back it up. My computer has been hacked in a few times it sucks. Good luck