Thursday, October 25, 2007

D9, HW3, Writing Reflection

I did a lot of searching using the internet to complete this task. I searched for different sources to help me for my final research paper. These sources will help me back up my different points with evidence and also provide me with different views based around my research project. After doing the research with these sources I had to properly cite them using MLA format and combined everything into one MLA style annotated bibliography. If I were to complete this project again, I would have taken more time originally citing the sources to make sure everything was properly done with the citing. I had to spend a lot of time double checking my sources and making correction. Getting this done in the beginning would have made this step of the process much more painless. I am proud that I was able to find so many sources revolving around my topic. I never had to do a lot of research for any assignment before, so this helped me really dig deep on the internet for different sources. If I had more time I would have really liked to find more sources that support government control of the internet, and also spend more time with my annotations. I feel I definitely improved on understanding MLA, with the research I had to do on properly citing for MLA. I definitely need to put more time into the rough draft so I do not have as many edits later on for the final draft.

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