Monday, August 27, 2007

Deadline #1, HW1, Reading Reflection

The Bedford Researcher includes many different ways to help with research. Such as, how to properly and effectively search for help with whatever topic you're writing about, like on page 21 showing you how to search using the MSN directory. It also shows and helps you how to search with Google on page 79 and explains how Boolean Searches work. It also ranges into how to even properly credit sources you've used in your research.

Everything's an Argument goes into arguments in much detail. Such as, arguments based on facts or even ones from the heart. Like on page 54 where it brings up a much heated argument and debate based on life and death. It seems like a like of this book contains arguments with a foundation stemming out from our government and how people feel against them. It was almost like every page I turned to had a picture or two for some kind of boycott.

1 comment:

laceyariz said...

Jared, I had the same reaction to the Argument book. Once I read some of the passages, it really put my mind at ease. Improving our power of persuasion will help us no matter where we end up.